With just a few days left in the year, I thought now would be a good time to reflect on what I've accomplished and am thankful for in 2014. I feel like this year has been really epic for me. I started my business and have already watched as it has changed and grown. I've had lots of fun adventures with family and friends and at least one that involved me stepping way outside of my comfort zone. I've had some amazing friendships with people who seriously keep me sane. It's truly been such an excellent year and there is one thing that absolutely stands out as most amazing- getting to spend time with my brother, Jamie.

He's that handsome fella next to my handsome little Benny and he is seriously the best big brother a gal could ever ask for. We have had more time apart in our lives than together, but I've always felt close to him. There were times growing up when I felt like he was the only one who could possibly understand things I was going through and often I felt like we were all each other had. Jamie has had a less than ideal life, one that is exponentially shittier than he ever deserved. He's absolutely the kindest person. He cares and worries about others, a quality we share to a fault.
This year we have been fortunate to share more time together than we probably have shared in the past fifteen years. I've gotten to visit him twice! And he's come home to visit several times. It has been so cool to see how much alike we are in so many ways, qualities we likely inherited from our dad, I've loved seeing him finally living a life he deserves, and it has been absolutely the best to see how over the moon my boys are for their uncle.
I'm looking forward to more opportunities to visit Jamie in 2015 and more time to chat and be silly and reminisce about good and not so good old times. Let's hope next year is even better!
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