During our trip to Lancaster last month, my husband and I went to quite a few antique malls and thrift shops. I was really looking forward to one place in particular,
Mad Hatter Antique Mall, because I knew they had a ton of Cathrineholm. A nice affordable piece of
Cathrineholm is like my antique/thrift holy grail! I ended up not really loving any of the pieces there, though, or the prices, so we kept looking. My husband, who is never really thrilled to be in this kind of store, called me over to show me something he thought I would like and there they were, two sets of
Mary Blair plaques! I've seen these online in the past, but never actually for sale. I don't know if I've mentioned that It's A Small World is one of my very favorite things, so I'm a huge Mary Blair fan. It was like Donnie had just found some precious treasure! I scooped them up and held them close! Do you like how dramatic I can be over antiques? I get actual anxiety when I find something I really adore or have been looking for. This is serious business, people! So I should probably stop rambling and show you the goods, but I had to build up your anticipation!
Aren't they adorable?! The seller had included a printed copy of the original order form, which I'm guessing appeared in magazines. These were actually a promotional item from Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil!
I laughed - I've held "things close" many times too!!!