Thursday, February 11, 2016

Checking In...

Hello there!  I've gone quiet again and it just seems to keep happening.  I want to make regular posts a priority, but it's hard to always find the time.  Sometimes I get really down on myself for not accomplishing everything I want to get done, but I need to give myself a reality check.  I work a full time job, I have two children, I run a small business.  I do a lot really.  It's never quite enough for my satisfaction, though.  I'm being a little kinder about it this year, though, and trying to not get bent out of shape about all the hobbies and extras in life to which I can't always devote as much attention as I wish.  It really is better for my sanity and I'm all about preserving that!  There's been a lot going on too.  My mom had surgery to remove her thyroid and ended up spending nearly a week in the hospital, the boys have been suffering from a terrible case of the winter stir crazy rottens, and I am leaving my job of nearly eight years to do something a little different.  So things have been a bit stressful, even without being hard on myself!  I have so many ideas and photos for posts, so I will get around to updating once I have a little spare time.  For now, though, I just wanted to check in and let you know that I appreciate you sticking around!


  1. You have so much going on! Sometimes I have a hard time finding time to post and I don't have kids, and I work part time! It is so easy to be hard on ourselves.
    Good luck with the new job! I hope it turns out to be amazing!

    1. I find myself working on posts in the middle of the night sometimes, when I should definitely be sleeping!
