Monday, November 30, 2015
I know what you're thinking and I promise that I have not decided to change this to a blog about science or plants or any other such nonsense, especially not on a Monday. Mondays are for music around these parts and today's song is a really catchy one. As a bonus, the singer is easy on the eyes and the video is full of cute kids. Happy Monday!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Let's Go For A Ride
Do you know what I miss? Riding a bicycle! It's been years since I was on a bike. There's a really cute one sitting in the garage, so I don't even have a great excuse, other than it probably needs new tubes and tires. I suppose winter is probably not the best time to decide I'd like to go for some leisurely bike rides, the aforementioned bike does not have gears or even hand brakes, but the weather has actually been really mild this week. Besides, now that I've made this little wishlist, I really do want to go for a ride!

Saturday, November 28, 2015
Hello From The Outside
I should start off by apologizing for the title, but there's really no escaping that Adele song! Well I made it to that milestone 500th post and then I just sort of fizzled out. I didn't mean to disappear for over a month. When life happens, this blog tends to be one of the first things that get neglected, despite the fact that this blog kind of helps keep me sane!
My mom has been having some health issues that have been really stressful for her and, since she lives in our home, they've been stressful to all of us too. She'll be okay, but it's been tough couple of weeks around here. What started out as an inflamed appendix and routine appendectomy, has led to her having to face some on-going issues that I think have largely been ignored. My mother doesn't really do the whole doctor or traditional medicine thing and as frustrating as that often is to me, I have finally started to accept that she's an adult and only she is in charge of her health. I can only support her and hope that she chooses the best options. It's a terrifying feeling to think about a parent dying, though, especially from things that could be treated and managed. What's more terrifying, though, is my children losing their grandmother. Here's where I struggle to accept her decisions, because they aren't really just affecting her. Oscar has asked me is she's going to die. Both boys ask what's going to happen to grandma and will she go to the hospital. I don't have answers for their questions and they aren't really questions my four and five year olds should have to be asking right now. It feels really good to get this out, even if it doesn't change anything.
I've probably sucked at self-care lately too and I've been doing that thing where I end up soaking up the stress around me like some kind of silly super sensitive sponge. This seems to be one of those crazy times of year where everyone seems to have issues. I try to be empathetic and supportive, but sometimes I end up taking those issues on almost as though they're my own. It ends up being fucking exhausting, to be most perfectly blunt, and then I have to give myself a big pep talk and attitude adjustment. In the past week or so, I have really started to let the stress go as much as I can. I had to really make a conscious effort to do so, but it's working.
On top of everything mentioned in the previous paragraphs, I've been in craft show prep mode again. I'm selling at Handmade Arcade again this year and trying to get ready while dealing with everything else going on nearly defeated me. I definitely had moments where I felt like just forgetting about the whole thing and just selling what I had made online. I'm glad to report that with exactly a week left, I am feeling really prepared. I have tons of fun stuff made that I've been sharing on Instagram and will try to share here later this week. I really should give myself proper credit for managing to get so much made, in between caring for a family, working full-time, and trying my best to not completely shut myself off from friends. Good job, Molly. You get a gold star!
If you've made it the whole way to the end of this post, you deserve a gold star too! I really should make sure the next few posts are light and easy on the eyes. Hopefully, after the extended break, someone besides my grandma is still reading!
My mom has been having some health issues that have been really stressful for her and, since she lives in our home, they've been stressful to all of us too. She'll be okay, but it's been tough couple of weeks around here. What started out as an inflamed appendix and routine appendectomy, has led to her having to face some on-going issues that I think have largely been ignored. My mother doesn't really do the whole doctor or traditional medicine thing and as frustrating as that often is to me, I have finally started to accept that she's an adult and only she is in charge of her health. I can only support her and hope that she chooses the best options. It's a terrifying feeling to think about a parent dying, though, especially from things that could be treated and managed. What's more terrifying, though, is my children losing their grandmother. Here's where I struggle to accept her decisions, because they aren't really just affecting her. Oscar has asked me is she's going to die. Both boys ask what's going to happen to grandma and will she go to the hospital. I don't have answers for their questions and they aren't really questions my four and five year olds should have to be asking right now. It feels really good to get this out, even if it doesn't change anything.
I've probably sucked at self-care lately too and I've been doing that thing where I end up soaking up the stress around me like some kind of silly super sensitive sponge. This seems to be one of those crazy times of year where everyone seems to have issues. I try to be empathetic and supportive, but sometimes I end up taking those issues on almost as though they're my own. It ends up being fucking exhausting, to be most perfectly blunt, and then I have to give myself a big pep talk and attitude adjustment. In the past week or so, I have really started to let the stress go as much as I can. I had to really make a conscious effort to do so, but it's working.
On top of everything mentioned in the previous paragraphs, I've been in craft show prep mode again. I'm selling at Handmade Arcade again this year and trying to get ready while dealing with everything else going on nearly defeated me. I definitely had moments where I felt like just forgetting about the whole thing and just selling what I had made online. I'm glad to report that with exactly a week left, I am feeling really prepared. I have tons of fun stuff made that I've been sharing on Instagram and will try to share here later this week. I really should give myself proper credit for managing to get so much made, in between caring for a family, working full-time, and trying my best to not completely shut myself off from friends. Good job, Molly. You get a gold star!
If you've made it the whole way to the end of this post, you deserve a gold star too! I really should make sure the next few posts are light and easy on the eyes. Hopefully, after the extended break, someone besides my grandma is still reading!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
500 Posts!
Holy moly! This seems like some kind of milestone worth celebrating, right? When I started this blog, I really had no idea how long I would keep it up. I tend to go really hard with things and then just completely lose interest. But this blog helps me. It's a bit like therapy and I think I would continue writing and sharing, even if no one ever looked. I don't think I'll ever have sponsored posts or a ton of followers, but I promise I will always be real and will never take myself too seriously. I know I do have some readers, or at least that's what my stats tell me, so I want to use this post to thank you for checking in on my little happy space on the internet. It sometimes still surprises me that anyone other than my grandma has the least bit of interest, but I appreciate it! I have don't really have a photo to fit the occasion, so here's my face in a giant peach. See previous statement regarding taking myself seriously!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
For the Birds!
I've always loved birds, especially parakeets or budgies, if you prefer. I remember my dad had one once who I think we called Leroy. I can recall talking to him and trying so hard to get him to mimic my words. It never did quite work. I hadn't thought much about ever having one as a pet, until this summer and my experience with the budgie enclosure at the Virginia Safari Park. I was obsessed for a bit after that and a friend's photo of her new birds on Instagram has sparked that obsession again. I'm going to do some research before making any decisions. So for now, this wish list will hold me over. Oh! Check out this great blog, if you're a fellow budgie lover!
Monday, October 19, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
It feels like a very long time since I've done a crafternoon post. Heidi took a bit of a break hosting and asked for others to take turns with hosting duties. I've missed a few months and was too busy to host my own, but Heidi returned as host this month and I made sure I could attend. We did Halloween stencils, on everything from tote bags to tissue box covers, and I think everyone's projects turned out great. It definitely gave me a new found love of stenciling! Because it was crafterween, there were lots of treats, mostly baked by Heidi's son, and an assortment of fun costumes. I went as a sort of grown up Louise Belcher, because I think we have pretty similar personalities and it was a pretty easy last minute costume. You can see more photos from this month's event here, on Heidi's blog!
It didn't seem right that Louise would ever be a fan of ironing, so I left my dress a bit wrinkly! My grandma made my hat and sent me the most hilarious photo of my grandpa modeling it. Do you see those baked goods in the top photo?! Delicious!! And of course Heidi has a Halloween tree!
My finished projects included a small paper mache trinket box, a cardboard shadowbox, and a linen canvas. I plan on decorating them all further and giving them as gifts to my Halloween loving family members!

Thursday, October 15, 2015
That One Time Of Year When I Actually Get Serious
If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may remember that I organized an Instagram auction last October in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You probably have also caught on that this is a cause that is of particular importance to me. My experiences growing up have sort of steered me here and are most definitely why I choose to help people for a living. In a perfect world, I wouldn't have this job. There wouldn't be a need for it. However, the world isn't quite perfect and this cause needs more attention. I bet you know someone who has experienced domestic violence. Maybe you've even experienced it yourself. Numbers sometimes vary, especially considering that domestic violence often goes unreported, but around 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience abuse in their intimate relationships. That's pretty astounding! There is help out there, but small agencies like mine seem to struggle to find the funds to really keep up with the demand. We rely heavily on donations, both monetary and otherwise, to stay afloat. This auction is my way of helping the agency as a whole which in turn benefits my clients and our future clients. I've had some great people message me with donations for the auction, but I'd love to have more help and make this auction even more successful than last year. I'm aiming for the very end of October, so there's still time to help. If you'd like to donate an item to be auctioned off, please email me at for more details. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Pickin' Pumpkins
We made our annual trek to our favorite pumpkin patch on Sunday. It's nothing too big or fancy, but the employees are all extra friendly, the pumpkins and produce are inexpensive, and the view from the patch is gorgeous. It's worth the drive!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Make Every Day A Creepy Day
Click the link below to find out where to buy these great items. (I'm not responsible for the poor attempts at background removal in these Polyvore photos, but I doubt mine would look much better!)
Monday, October 12, 2015
Teenage Dream
I'm a sucker for covers. I know I've mentioned that previously. This is a good one! The Horrible Crowes is one of the side projects of Brian Fallon, singer for Gaslight Anthem. He has the kind of voice that just conveys emotion so well in every song he sings, like he's lived a million tough lives. This song is originally a really poppy song by Katy Perry, but he makes seem much deeper than an upbeat dance song. Enjoy!
Friday, October 9, 2015
Stitch Rock 2015
When I got accepted to Stitch Rock, a show all the way in Florida, I figured I could turn it into part of a visit with my brother. Things didn't quite work out, though. Instead of a relaxed mini getaway and family visit, it turned into a sort of fast-paced, sleep deprived road trip. I'm not complaining; I got to spend a whole weekend with my husband and we managed to fit in a few quick stops on the drive home. It was a long long way to drive for a craft show, though! We left Friday morning, stopped at a sketchy motel around 2am, and drove to the show on less than four hours of sleep. I'm certain that caffeine and anxiety were the only things keeping me awake and functioning!
The show itself mostly took place inside an old gymnasium, with some additional booths outside under tents. It was a pretty building and the surrounding town looked great. I wish I had taken more photos, but I left my actual camera in the car, so you're left with bad iPhone photos. You can see some great photos, including some of my stuff here and here. The first photo in that second link is Amanda, the gal responsible for putting on Stitch Rock and she was absolutely lovely. I would imagine she is easily the hardest working woman in south Florida and was super sweet! She actually bought my very favorite Halloween girl.
There were tons of great vendors at the show, the most delicious hot dogs ever, and lots of people shopping. I have to admit, though, there weren't a ton of people shopping at my booth. I'm not really sure that a lot of the shoppers knew exactly what to make of my space full of doll faces. I heard the word "creepy" so many times and there were lots of odd expressions and hushed whispers. I fully realize my stuff isn't for everyone and I'm okay with that, but I did have a few moments where I felt a little disappointed or insulted. I'm sure the lack of sleep made me extra sensitive. I shook it off really quickly, though, and the people who weren't creeped out seemed to really love my work. There was one terribly sweet young lady who said my booth was her very favorite and this awesome guy who, after really taking in my whole booth, described my doll faces as "fucking bad ass". He apologized for his choice of words and said he was having trouble thinking of the right thing to say, because my stuff was so great. I loved that guy!
I nearly left out the best part of the show! I got to meet some IG friends and fellow vendors, make a few new ones, and briefly catch up with and hug one of my very favorite friends in the whole world. Those things would have made the long drive worth it, even if I hadn't sold a single item! I got my acceptance email to Handmade Arcade on the way to Florida, so the making madness will be starting all over again soon. For now, though, I'm glad to be finished with this great show and able to relax and catch my breath for this week!
There were tons of great vendors at the show, the most delicious hot dogs ever, and lots of people shopping. I have to admit, though, there weren't a ton of people shopping at my booth. I'm not really sure that a lot of the shoppers knew exactly what to make of my space full of doll faces. I heard the word "creepy" so many times and there were lots of odd expressions and hushed whispers. I fully realize my stuff isn't for everyone and I'm okay with that, but I did have a few moments where I felt a little disappointed or insulted. I'm sure the lack of sleep made me extra sensitive. I shook it off really quickly, though, and the people who weren't creeped out seemed to really love my work. There was one terribly sweet young lady who said my booth was her very favorite and this awesome guy who, after really taking in my whole booth, described my doll faces as "fucking bad ass". He apologized for his choice of words and said he was having trouble thinking of the right thing to say, because my stuff was so great. I loved that guy!
I nearly left out the best part of the show! I got to meet some IG friends and fellow vendors, make a few new ones, and briefly catch up with and hug one of my very favorite friends in the whole world. Those things would have made the long drive worth it, even if I hadn't sold a single item! I got my acceptance email to Handmade Arcade on the way to Florida, so the making madness will be starting all over again soon. For now, though, I'm glad to be finished with this great show and able to relax and catch my breath for this week!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Craft Show Prep!

Friday, September 25, 2015
Busy Little Bee
I am really missing working on blog posts, but all of my free time seems to be consumed with preparations for Stitch Rock. Have I even mentioned that I'll be selling there this year?! I've been working like a mad woman to have lots of cute stock! I promise to update soon, but for now, the best place to get updates on my work and life is Instagram. Be back soon!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
What a Journey!
I completely missed my blog's birthday, but on the 2nd of this month, this little blog turned 3! I can't believe it's been that long and I feel like it's a good time to look back and reflect on how much things have changed since I started. I was scrolling back through old posts, when I came to this one from September 6th, 2012. This post explains sort of why I started blogging to begin with and where I was at personally during that time. Fast forward to early September 2015 and the same doctor's office I mentioned in that old post, the one where I unloaded on my poor sweet doctor. At this check up, though, I was able to speak candidly with my doctor about how happy I've been and being back in that room reminded me of my journey to get where I am now. I went from this sad girl who had lost her glow to this seriously bubbly strong woman. That doesn't mean I don't have bad days, but I have learned some better ways of coping with them and the stress in my life. The depression in that old post did get worse and there was a time when I stopped doing all of those things that helped me stay healthy. I eventually got back on track with the help of counseling, medication, and an amazing amount of support and hard work. I am probably the happiest and most healthy I've ever been. I've even been able to stop the medication and counseling, although I wouldn't hesitate to pick either or both back up if I needed the help. I'm always a bit of a work in progress, but I have to say that I've made some great strides since starting this blog. Here's to many more happy years of sharing with you all!
This makeup-less late night iPhone selfie in a poorly lit bathroom is really the perfect depiction of just how happy I feel these days!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Go Team!
This post isn't at all about sports, but when I think about pennants, I imagine fans waving them at games. These pennants are way cooler than what I'm imagining, though, and would look great hanging on my walls. Click the corresponding number to check out the details and purchase your own!

Monday, September 7, 2015
Science Fiction, Double Feature
Friday, August 28, 2015
Oh I Could Totally Make That...
When I first started making my doll face creations, I felt like I had really started something original. I had only seen the old faces used to make actual dolls or those crocheted pot holders. Oh, and the tissue boxes! How could I forget about the tacky greatness of vintage doll face tissue boxes?! I eventually discovered the work of vintage crafty goddess, Magpie Ethel, and realized she also used doll faces. I should add that I was instantly smitten with her work and collections too, quickly adding her to my list of crafty idols. I was secretly mortified. Was my work different enough from what she was doing? Would she think I was copying her work? I know we each have our own style, but I didn't want anyone to think I had stolen someone else's idea. I consulted friends and family to get their opinions and would have asked Laurie herself, had I been able to figure out a way to do so that wouldn't be totally awkward. I'm pretty confident in my work now and I still think I'm doing something pretty original, as is Laurie. So what's the point of this long-winded post then?
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Image from Threadless |
I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I hate copycats. I know what you're thinking, but imitation isn't really that flattering. It's kind of annoying. I'm not talking about someone who just coincidentally happened upon an idea similar to mine. My copycats have been people who actively follow me on social media accounts, leave me comments, and often ask me questions about where I get things or how I've done something. There's been a few lately, not just with my work, so I feel like addressing it. I'm still fairly new to the game. I think I started making doll face items in 2012. I'm by no means an expert on the subject of copying others creations, but I think it's generally frowned upon in the handmade community. I, just as other artists, pour my heart and soul into my creations. I spend a large amount of time, not something I really don't have a lot of to spare, finding the perfect supplies and improving my work. I think other makers who use vintage supplies can testify to the fact that it takes a bit of effort and digging to find things we can use. I'm sure that's even true of those who use newly made supplies. I realize I'm not doing anything super difficult and that it is quite feasible that just about anyone can make what I'm making. You may even be quietly repeating the title of this post as you browse my creations. That's not really the point, though.
Being creative means that you come up with original ideas, you create new things, you evolve and improve your creations. Stealing someone else's ideas is insulting, especially when you are trying to profit from them and not giving credit where it's due. You are essentially disregarding all the hard work that was first put into that creation. You are shouting to the world that what I or someone else originally made isn't really that special, because look how easily it was recreated. That sounds a bit dramatic, but I think it's true. I've had some serious moments of doubt after seeing someone copy my work, but am lucky to have amazing support and encouragement. So now I mostly use copycats as motivation for improvement, but I think about those who aren't as confident or don't have friends telling them that their stuff is way better than the copies. Sit down and think up your own idea. If you really love a handmade item, support the artist and buy it. And for Pete's sake, if you really feel like you need to copy someone's work, keep it to yourself! To those of you who are working hard and creating amazing original items, keep at it and stay awesome!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
We've Got Ourselves a Kindergartner!
Yesterday marked a week since school began and my not so little guy became a student. Despite my last post, the first day was mostly tear-free and painless. Mostly. Oscar was hesitant to leave me once we got to his classroom, but his teacher was great at helping to speed up the goodbye and getting him right into an activity. He's been bringing home a book each day that we read together in the evening and then he gets to fill out a little journal entry with a picture and sentence about the book. We read before bedtime, but it's nice to have some extra story time! He also brings home pictures he colors, letters he's practiced writing, and a little calendar that's color coded based on his behavior. We've had greens (Way to go!) so far and even a blue (Role model), so I think it's going well! It must still be a bit much for him to process, because he seems to forget what he did by the time I get home from work and ask about his day. To be honest, Oscar, it's still a bit much for me to process that I actually have a kindergartner now!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Singing the Kindergarten Blues
I will not cry on my keyboard. I will not cry on my keyboard. Who am I kidding?! I'm totally going to be typing this post through tear-filled eyes! Tomorrow is one of those milestone days that I'm certain feels absolutely bittersweet to anyone who has ever raised a child. It's the first day of kindergarten and totally a reminder of all those times some damn annoying person told me to enjoy them while they're little or that it goes by so quickly. I get it, random old lady, my children will grow up and they will do so in some kind of weird fast-forward version of life that only happens after giving birth. It's also a kind of neat time, because this little boy's personality is really starting to take shape and I really love the person he's becoming. His curiosity and compassion are amazing and things I hope he never loses. Oscar says he's excited to go to school, but I suspect that he says that partially to calm his nervous mama. Oscar is my shy sensitive little guy and I am just by nature a giant mess of anxiety, so of course I've spent the whole summer worrying that he won't make friends or that some stupid kid will be mean to him. It's totally silly, I know, because Oscar will be just fine. He will make friends and can handle stupid mean kids and will be an awesome little kindergarten guy! Here's to all the other parents and guardians with kiddos starting school. Our kids will be just fine and, well, we will get through it!
Will you just look at this miniature adult, totally oblivious to the fact that by growing up he's breaking his overly dramatic mother's heart!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Musical Monday...And A Quick Check-In!
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Life's A Beach

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Brimfield 2: Vintage Boogaloo
How has it taken me so long to make reference to one of the best movies ever?! If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here now! Okay, so you would think we would have all gotten our vintage/antique fix at the show, but that's just silly! The town outside of the antique show, Sturbridge, MA, has quite a few great little antique shops and a flea market. I was able to find quite a few goodies at these places too.
I really need to look up the history of that first building. It is so stunning! The guy running the shop was great and gave me a serious bargain on some Redware cat ashtrays for mom. The shop only inhabits the first floor of the building, but I would have loved to explore the rest! This second shop was attached to a restaurant that served sushi, so I was a bit distracted by the thought of eating some yummy rolls, but they had some lovely items as well. Okay, so on the finds! Now I should mention that I had a pretty limited budget on this trip and there were definitely things I regret not buying, but I seriously made out really well!
Of course most of my haul consists of dolls, but would you expect anything else? Doll faces were a rare sight at the antique show. I think I saw two, a clown I already have loads of and great Santa that was way out of my price range at $20. The sad teddy bear was the very first item I bought. He still has his tag and looks brand new! The pink doll is a music box and the red oil cloth one is a rattle. The Cathrineholm pot was my one big splurge at $35. I was alone at the time I saw it and I did this sort of speed walk towards it. There were two women taking photos of the pots on the table and discussing what the one woman would do with them all, so I think she may have been interested, but I grabbed it right away, hugged it to my chest, and called Donnie to talk it out. He must have thought I was crazy and asked if I was out of money, because I'm certain he didn't understand that I was just excited and needed to tell someone immediately. It was the only piece of Cathrineholm I saw at the show too! The sad pose dolls were at one of my favorite kinds of booths where there are just piles and boxes of potential treasure! And there are the cats I mentioned previously. My mom's birthday fell on one of the days we were away, so it was nice to find her something good to bring back.
I can't wait to use the tin case up top as a display at craft shows! It originally held a children's picnic set. I fell in love with that little mailman box right away and was even more smitten once I saw that it held the most adorable vintage children's cards. I hope to do a post in the future about my vintage card collection, so I will include these! The shakers on the bottom were an antique store find and a gift for Heidi. Finally, the little box of vintage spun cotton and plastic cake picks were one of the only lots of cake toppers I saw at the show and I just loved how these came in the sweet little box.
Here's a final shot of all my finds that I took right after getting home. The tin molds were a flea market find and were such a killer deal. They had more and I probably should have just bought them all. I will definitely put them to good use, as I will the vintage reflectors in the upper right corner! Can you believe there were 99 reflectors crammed into that little box?!
So when we first decided to go to Brimfield, we asked for suggestions and ended up getting a lot of general suggestions that were common sense. Things like wear comfortable shoes and drink plenty of water weren't really what we were looking for, so I will share a few suggestions I think would be useful for a first-timer. Obviously the two things I mentioned are good, but I would think you'd know that if you've ever been to even a flea market. Similar to going to a flea market, have lots of cash, especially small bills. Keep them in more than one spot, because it's much easier to offer less when it looks like you only have a small amount of money. I noticed that sellers really appreciated exact change also. Yesterday I mentioned that we had old lady carts to use. Those actually were kind of a pain in the ass and most of the booths weren't laid out in a way that made maneuvering the cart very easy. I noticed a lot of people just left their carts outside of the tents while browsing, but that seemed a little sketchy. A basket or large tote bag probably works better. We parked in a great location that allowed us to make trips back to the car without much hassle. That leads me to the next tip, pay a little extra for the good parking. As soon as you get into town, there are signs for $5 parking, but if you get closer, there are great spots for just a few dollars more. Explore all of the fields, even the ones that charge a small admission fee. We found things in pretty much every area of the show and as one seller told me, every field is a great field for your first time. You will find your favorites after attending a few times. Last, and most important, eat all the food. There are some damn delicious food vendors set up at the show! Apple cider donuts, reuben hot dogs, pit beef sandwiches, and best of all, the lime rickeys from Dad's Kettle Corn. That's actually my last suggestion, although it's more of an order. Go get a lime rickey at least once a day! They were amazing!

So when we first decided to go to Brimfield, we asked for suggestions and ended up getting a lot of general suggestions that were common sense. Things like wear comfortable shoes and drink plenty of water weren't really what we were looking for, so I will share a few suggestions I think would be useful for a first-timer. Obviously the two things I mentioned are good, but I would think you'd know that if you've ever been to even a flea market. Similar to going to a flea market, have lots of cash, especially small bills. Keep them in more than one spot, because it's much easier to offer less when it looks like you only have a small amount of money. I noticed that sellers really appreciated exact change also. Yesterday I mentioned that we had old lady carts to use. Those actually were kind of a pain in the ass and most of the booths weren't laid out in a way that made maneuvering the cart very easy. I noticed a lot of people just left their carts outside of the tents while browsing, but that seemed a little sketchy. A basket or large tote bag probably works better. We parked in a great location that allowed us to make trips back to the car without much hassle. That leads me to the next tip, pay a little extra for the good parking. As soon as you get into town, there are signs for $5 parking, but if you get closer, there are great spots for just a few dollars more. Explore all of the fields, even the ones that charge a small admission fee. We found things in pretty much every area of the show and as one seller told me, every field is a great field for your first time. You will find your favorites after attending a few times. Last, and most important, eat all the food. There are some damn delicious food vendors set up at the show! Apple cider donuts, reuben hot dogs, pit beef sandwiches, and best of all, the lime rickeys from Dad's Kettle Corn. That's actually my last suggestion, although it's more of an order. Go get a lime rickey at least once a day! They were amazing!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
My recent trip to Brimfield was pretty darn amazing, so much so that I've already started thinking about going back next September for a week! We started the trip off at a vintage and antique textile and clothing show that is always held the day before the antique show starts. I really wish I could do a blog post on the lovely vintage clothing items and quilts we saw there, but there was a rule against photographs and sketches. That last bit is really weird. Do people go to these kind of things to draw? I was super disappointed that I couldn't take any photos, but I'm not really a rule breaker. There really were some gorgeous pieces for sale, but most of the items were really way out of my price range. The very first dress I saw was $400! I'm thinking this show is meant for some serious collectors. I think we were all a bit put off by the show, because aside from the prices, the person at the door made sure to tell us right away that July is the smallest show of the year. We got some similar comments from the various dealers and a few were really not so friendly. I guess I should expect a certain level of snobbery from people selling clothing for hundreds of dollars, especially towards little old me in my clearance Target dress and worn out Tom's. I did manage to find a bargain, though, an adorable lucite dog brooch for $5! But I left the show wondering if it was a preview of the prices and attitudes we'd encounter during the rest of the week.
So without knowing what to expect, we arrived extra early for the first day of the antique show pulling our little old lady shopping carts and ready to shop! It's really hard to properly describe the sheer scale of this show, other than to say it's really really big. My best analogy is to compare it to our nearby Antietam Battlefield. For you locals, imagine that battlefield just full of rows and rows of tents and tables overflowing with nearly any vintage and antique item imaginable. Much to my joy, many items were not only reasonably priced, they were a downright bargain! Almost all of the sellers were friendly and willing to barter. And did I mention that there are more food options than any carnival, mall food court, or local festival I've ever attended? That's important to mention, because vintage shopping really works up an appetite!
We managed to browse all of the fields and buildings in two days, but I think stretching things out would be really nice. We definitely felt pretty tired by mid-afternoon, but it was nice to get there early when the weather was mild and there didn't seem to be much of a crowd. I'll be back tomorrow with more on the antique show and the antique shops in the area. Oh and my purchases!

So without knowing what to expect, we arrived extra early for the first day of the antique show pulling our little old lady shopping carts and ready to shop! It's really hard to properly describe the sheer scale of this show, other than to say it's really really big. My best analogy is to compare it to our nearby Antietam Battlefield. For you locals, imagine that battlefield just full of rows and rows of tents and tables overflowing with nearly any vintage and antique item imaginable. Much to my joy, many items were not only reasonably priced, they were a downright bargain! Almost all of the sellers were friendly and willing to barter. And did I mention that there are more food options than any carnival, mall food court, or local festival I've ever attended? That's important to mention, because vintage shopping really works up an appetite!

Friday, July 31, 2015
Under the Weather
Hey there! I haven't forgotten about my blog and I have loads to share, but I've been sick since my trip to Brimfield with some kind of respiratory infection. I've spent most days just hanging out in bed, so you would think I could still do blog posts, but really I've just been playing Sims 3 and napping when I can. I'm finally on the mend, though, and am hoping for a fun little family trip this weekend, so I will definitely be back next week with some updates! I miss writing (typing) and crafting and all the other fun things I've been neglecting in favor of coughing and blowing my nose! Happy Friday, everyone! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Road Trip Playlist
As you read this post, I will be on my way to Brimfield, MA for their big antique show. I usually like to plan things out for trips, places to eat, things to see, etc., but for this trip, I'm really going having made very few preparations. The only thing I am certain about this week is that I will be eating a lobster roll and I will be up way earlier than any human should ever be awake. It's all in the name of vintage, though, so I am okay with that. The one thing I am totally prepared for is the long car ride. I have a ton of books on my Kindle, a bunch of episodes of my favorite podcasts, and some good music Here's a little playlist I made and here is a list I found online that's not too bad. Hopefully, when I return next week, I will have tales of delicious lobster rolls and amazing bargains on vintage cake toppers, doll faces, and toys!
I'd have more songs on this playlist, but I don't really love this site and I stumbled upon Amanda Palmer covering I Will Follow You Into The Dark, so I can't really continue typing. When Amanda sings, especially one of my favorite songs, I stop everything and listen! See you guys next week!
I'd have more songs on this playlist, but I don't really love this site and I stumbled upon Amanda Palmer covering I Will Follow You Into The Dark, so I can't really continue typing. When Amanda sings, especially one of my favorite songs, I stop everything and listen! See you guys next week!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Luray Zoo
If you were to only know one thing about my husband, know that he loves animals. Zoos, wildlife parks, and any other place we have the opportunity to see animals are always on the list when we travel. We actually made two animal related stops on our trip to Virginia and our first was Luray Zoo. This privately owned zoo is home to animals that have been rescued, are retired from zoos, or were no longer wanted or able to be cared for by their previous owners. It's a little zoo, but there are lots of animals to see and the staff seemed really friendly. Even one of the owners was out and about caring for the animals and chatting with visitors.
This absolutely gorgeous gal is Angel. She's a kestrel and was bred to be a falconry bird, but was born with a deformity that makes it difficult for her to use her right wing. You can sort of see it in the photo here. The wing sort of swoops out like an angel's wing. The sign with her information said she loves human interaction and we definitely felt like she was as interested in us as we were in her. She was my second favorite animal at the zoo. I'll get to my very favorite next.
This is Bella. Her owner gave her up, after becoming sick with cancer. I really could have spent the whole day with her. I felt such a strong connection to her and fell in love with her sweet personality. I went back to her several times during our visit actually. She smiled by showing her teeth each time and a few times ran around excitedly, as if she was showing off for us. I totally cried when it was time to leave her! Two other sweet monkeys that I believe came from the same owner were next to Bella and they were equally beautiful.
This is Zena and Chewie. I think I have their names correct! I believe they are older, so they didn't try quite as hard as Bella to entertain us. They mostly seemed content with sitting peacefully and watching us watch them.

So I'm certain I could easily write a paragraph on every animal there, but I really think you need to visit for yourself and make sure to buy something from the gift shop or put some change in the donation box, because every little bit helps to care for all these amazing animals.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Musical Monday
Do you ever get really hung up on a song? You just can't get enough of it and as hard as you try to listen to something else, you just go back to that song until it's finally all out of your system. Lately that song has been Middle Distance Runner by Sea Wolf. It's just a really lovely song and it's not particularly sad or happy, just sort of a perfect in between that's good for the drive home from a long draining day at work. Here's an acoustic version of the track I'm so infatuated with at the moment and it's great, but you should check out the original version below too!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
A Forgotten Cemetery
While out for a drive recently, we came upon a little cemetery sat atop a hill. It was on a country road somewhere in Frederick County, Maryland and seemed oddly out of place with all the nearby rancher homes. I suppose this place hasn't really been forgotten, since someone mows the grass, but the way the graves have been swallowed by the growing shrubs and the dates on the markers lead me to believe that this place doesn't see much attention or traffic. It was a lovely little graveyard and I can't imagine a better view from your final resting place.
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