Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fixer Upper For Sale

During a recent adventure with Heidi, we made a stop at a mini golf course that has just sort of been left to the elements.  The property, which includes some kind of building and batting cages, is for sale but there's definitely been little upkeep on the property.  I've driven past the place lots of times and was glad to finally check it out, although I was a little sad to see it in such ruin.  The once grand Victorian house that could be seen from the road, was in total ruins and I think was at least partially burnt down.  The mill house was still standing and I think was at least a temporary home for someone, as evidence by the pile of blankets and empty cans of cat food.  Weird, right?!  I wish I would have taken more photos, because I'm not sure how much longer the rest of this place will remain.

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