I suppose a lot of the time I spent away from blogging was filled with making tons of new stuff for Handmade Arcade in Pittsburgh. I believe this was my fourth year doing this show and I will just keep applying and crossing my fingers every year that they will have me back, because it really is and great show and the organizers are a seriously amazing bunch. I also have a ton of love for Pittsburgh and take any chance I have to spend time there.
I made these little tea cup scenes the very first year I did Handmade Arcade and hadn't made them since, so it felt like they needed a comeback!
Shadowboxes are the most fun to decorate and this one will forever be one of my favorites. The most adorable Instagram friend bought her and that made me extra happy!
I spent hours the week before the show figuring out my display. I had the most stock ever this year and had to ask my grandpa to make me some extra shelves at the last minute.
Donnie came along with me this year to help. He was a great helper, but I don't think he quite appreciates the amount of thrift and antique stores I like to stop at on my way to and from the show. This photo was taken right after he helped me set up.
Can you spot my helper in this photo I sent to my grandma later in the day? Some of what's in this photo is gone now, but I really need to get to work on updating my online shop and listing the leftovers. Not pictured in this photo is what would have been a very tired and happy Molly!