One of the things I really love about my new job is that I get to go on court runs almost daily, getting me out of my office chair and up moving out in the fresh air. I've been trying to walk on my lunch hour too, because our office is really centrally located and I love admiring the old architecture and imagining the town in all its former glory. Let's not forget that good for my physical and mental health, too! Back to that old architecture, though. The town really is fully of lovely old buildings and I've been trying to snap some photos when I'm out walking. Here are some of my favorites-
This my view walking back from Circuit Court. I love the brick sidewalks and arched windows on the side of the building.
I shared this photo on my Instagram awhile ago. This grand old building used to house a dinner theater where my grandma took me to see my aunt act in shows. There's still a theater across the street and a school for the performing arts, so I think this small section of town is considered the theater district. The street here is glittery, but it doesn't show in the photo.
There's a great cemetery behind this gorgeous church, but I haven't gotten to explore that just yet! I think it's actually where the town's founder and namesake is buried.
Before you actually get to the square of town, there are the most grand old houses proudly standing on the hill. I think a lot of them are apartments and offices now, but a few are still private homes. I can't even imagine how amazing the interiors must look!
These last few photos were all taken on the same street and are especially close to my heart, because I used to live on this street. This house is my favorite, partially because of the great statues along the front.
Nearly all of the houses on this block of the street are lovely brick Victorian homes. Again, I think most are now apartment buildings. One used to be a bed and breakfast when I lived there.
This is the building where I used to live, the first apartment Donnie and I shared. We were up on the top floor in a one bedroom apartment with hardwood floors, two great balconies, and even a separate dining room. This is where he proposed to me, where we got our first dogs together, and where we rested after working extra hard to save for the place we now call home. So many memories!